Archiepiscopal College of Veszprém
8200 Veszprém,
Jutasi út 18/2.
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Category: Nem besorolt
Erasmus+ documents
Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-27 24.08.2023. Erasmus Policy Statement 14.12.2023.
Talent Nurture Centre – colleagues
dr. Csinády Rita Head of Institute csinady.rita@ersekifoiskola.hu Detailed information Czaun Ildikó master instructor czaun.ildiko@ersekifoiskola.hu Detailed information
Mental Health and Psychology Centre – colleagues
Dr. Szlávicz Eszter Center Director, Associate Professor szlavicz.eszter@ersekifoiskola.hu publications Detailed information Merva Péter Árpád psychologist, master teacher merva.peter@ersekifoiskola.hu Detailed information Angyal-Szilvás Nóra Klára teaching assistant
Pastoral Institute – colleagues
Kaszap Viktória acting head, teaching assistant kaszap.viktoria@ersekifoiskola.hu Detailed information Halasi Gabriella assistant professor terez.nover@ersekifoiskola.hu Detailed information Takács Tünde assistant professor erzsebet.nover@ersekifoiskola.hu Detailed
Programmes in Hungarian
Degree Programmes in Hungarian Visit our Hungarian site: https://ersekifoiskola.hu/index.php/kepzeseink-oktatas.html
Italian Course Catalogues
Italian Course Catalogue for Catechetics (undivided) MA Course SYLLABUS IN ITALIAN Credit (ECTS) Hours/week Assessment Instructor Ethics ETICA 3 2 lectures exam Prof. Dr.
English Course Catalogues
English Course Catalogue for Social Work BA Course Syllabus Credit (ECTS) Hours/week Assessment Instructor Basic Knowledge of Mental Health 3 2 lectures
Welcome to the Library of the Archiepiscopal College The library owns about 30 thousand Hungarian, German, Italian, French books and magazines published mainly in the
Lunch Lunch can be ordered the previous day until 10 AM via email: elelmezes@vhf.hu Weekly menu: available at the reception and in the restaurant Lunch
Kuzma Noémi dormitory director, kuzma.noemi@ersekifoiskola.hu The Dormitory of the Archiepiscopal College of Veszprém The Dormitory is situated close to the town centre in the middle
Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional Agreements
Erasmus Partners of the Archiepiscopal College of Veszprém Country Town University Faculty Faculty coordinator Field of Study ISCED code Language of Instruction Erasmus code
Memorandum of Understanding
Partners Partium Christian University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Oradea, Romania The bilateral agreement was signed in Nagyvárad (Oradea) on 24 November, 2022. The field
Institutions and Centres
Pastoral Institute Mental Health and Psychology Centre Talent Nurture Centre
Degree Programmes in Hungarian
Degree Programs Bachelor’s Degree Programs in Hungarian Nursing and Patient Care Infant and Early Childhood Education Social Work Social Pedagogy Catechist-pastoral Worker Master’s Degree Program
Department of Social Studies – colleagues
Dr. Ládonyi Zsuzsanna Head of Department, Associate Professor ladonyi.zsuzsanna@ersekifoiskola.hu publications Detailed information Cserép Csongor assistant professor cserep.csongor@ersekifoiskola.hu publications Detailed information Győri Piroska master instructor gyori.piroska@ersekifoiskola.hu
Department of Pedagogy – colleagues
Bognárné Dr. habil. Kocsis Judit head of department bognarne.kocsis.judit@ersekifoiskola publications More details Szegedi Orsolya department administrator pedagogiatanszek@ersekifoiskola.hu More details Kuzma Noémi department administrator kuzma.noemi@ersekifoiskola.hu More
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences – colleagues
Dr. Hajnáczky Tamás PhD rector’s appointee for scientific affairs hajnaczky.tamas@ersekifoiskola.hu More details