Dr. Ivony Éva PhD


Academic rank




Dr. Ivony Éva PhD

college associate professor,

Responsible for the Institutional Scientific Students’ Associations Conference,

Institutional Research Scholarship Program, Chairman of the Scholarship Committee


Education: MA in Sociology


Academic degree and discipline:


Research field:


PhD in Sociology



Subjective well-being, Subjective Quality of Life,

Changes of the demographic processes of Veszprém city , Veszprém micro-region and Veszprém county


Courses: Sociology of Deviant Behavior, Demographic Processes and Population Policy, Environment and Society, Social Research Methods I-II., The Hungarian Society in Documentaries, PhotoVoice and VideoVoice in Social Research, Practice of Social Research in English


Contact details: Social Studies Department

Archiepiscopal College of Veszprém

Ground floor, Office 8


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