Institutional Mission
The Archiepiscopal College of Veszprém – as a teacher training institution for religious education, a training institution for social professionals, and a continuing education institution for educators – considers it its mission, alongside the high-level pursuit of educational and research fundamental activities:
the professional, moral, and mental health support of tens of thousands working in social welfare systems, helping professions, and education, in public education;
• active and supportive involvement in the missionary activities of the Archdiocese of Veszprém, for which we develop pastoral, spiritual, mental health, and career support services;
• active presence in the life of the local community, for which we develop catch-up and talent nurturing services;
• support for the issues of family and child protection;
• moral and scientific commitment to creation and environmental protection;
• systematic development and implementation of social sensitivity and the culture of volunteering;
• organization of Christian intellectual training;
• systematic efforts to strengthen national consciousness.
Key Institutional Development Objectives:
1. pastoral;
2. spiritual care, mental health, career orientation, and psychological;
3. talent nurturing
development of a service provider institutional profile.
The Place and Role of the Talent Nurture Centre at the College
Beyond the development and provision of talent mentoring services, the Talent Nurture Centre will organize activities, workshops, and talent pedagogical academies within the framework of a talent pedagogical workshop, and intends to engage in the talent pedagogical and talent methodological networking of the town and region (the administrative region).
The Centre operates as a talent pedagogical workshop (which began its operation in the fall of 2021) and as a research institute, organizing talent management programs and providing talent mentor professionals for students of public educational institutions operating under the Archdiocese of Veszprém. The Centre and the talent pedagogical workshop intentionally aim to contribute primary research results to the training of talent development professionals and to the postgraduate programs organized by the Archiepiscopal College of Veszprém for talent management and development.
The goals of the Centre are:
- talent mentoring;
• organizing talent management programs;
• collecting and sharing of good practices;
• developing of talent methodologies;
• planning and implementing talent research;
• networking;
• participating in the development of regional talent programs, serving as a local multiplier of innovation, and collecting and sharing systems for talent screening, talent identification, and other good practices.
The goal of establishing the Centre is to develop and offer validated talent support services that help to plan individual learning paths and careers, and, not least, to share methodologies that strengthen the creation of talent-supportive environments and networking.
Another objective is to collect, publish, and develop programs that take into account the emotional needs of talented children and young people (including those with dual exceptionalities) according to their academic interests.
Target group:
- Young people studying in public education and higher education (regardless of talent area);
• Professionals working in public education, pedagogical professional services, specialized services, and higher education: institution leaders, directors, educators, psychologists, school social workers, talent development coordinators, college and university instructors, researchers, etc.;
• Educational institutions, higher education institutions, research groups, civil organizations and other market players involved in talent management.The main areas of activity and services of the Centre:
The Centre plans to implement service activities and networking aimed at sharing talent management methods focused on exceptionally talented children/students, as well as professionals, educators and specialists involved in talent development.
The Centre organizes and provides free participation and involvement opportunities for talent pedagogy workshop sessions for institutions in the Central Transdanubia region and the Archdiocese of Veszprém.
The service packages of the Centre include:
• talent pedagogy workshop sessions;
• talent mentoring in the public education institutions of the Archdiocese of Veszprém;
• talent mentoring in the public education institutions of the administrative region;
• development and sharing of talent-friendly learning environment models;
• organization and financing of talent research;
• sharing of best practices, talent identification, and development methods;
• provision of complex service packages and programs for regional talent nurturing institutions and mentors.
Professionals with relevant qualifications from the College carry out talent mentoring and service development activities in these areas.
The Operation of the Centre:
- The Centre operates as an independent organizational unit of the College, which not only plans and develops various services and supervisory processes but also implements them—if necessary, with the involvement of additional external experts.