Institutional Mission
The Archiepiscopal College of Veszprém – as a teacher training institution for religious education, a social professional training institution, and a continuing education institution for teachers – considers its mission to be a high-level educational and research core activity, in addition to cultivating its basic educational and research activities:
- provide professional, moral and mental health support to the tens of thousands working in social welfare systems, helping professions and education, particularly in public education;
- actively and supportively engage in the missionary activities of the Archdiocese of Veszprém, for which we develop pastoral, spiritual, and mental health services;
- maintain an active presence in local community life, for which we develop catch-up and talent management services;
- support for family and child protection;
- commit morally and scientifically to creation and environmental protection;
- systematically create and implement a culture of social sensitivity and volunteering;
- organize the education of Christian intellectuals;
- work systematically to strengthen national consciousness.
Key Institutional Development Goals:
1) pastoral;
2) spiritual care, mental health, career orientation, and psychological;
3) talent management
establishment of a service provider institutional profile.
The Place and Role of the Pastoral Institute at the College
The College, at the request of the Archdiocese of Veszprém, is tailored to the needs articulated by the Pastoral Council of the Archdiocese to provide pastoral services.
The pastoral services developed by the Pastoral Institute aim to strengthen the work and vocation of parishes, church communities, church institutions, and those involved in specialized pastoral care.
The Institute’s goals are:
- to establish an approach that is already well-known in 20th and 21st century international pastoral care, spiritual theology, and anthropology;
• to support areas where there are currently gaps in Hungarian pastoral care, especially in the Central and Western Transdanubia regions.
Target group:
- the pastors, teachers of religious education, and other staff in positions related to faith life of the Archdiocese;
• young people: those wishing to deepen their faith;
• adults: those uncertain in their vocation, those wishing to deepen their faith;
• participants in specialized pastoral care.
The main areas of activity and services of the Institute:
The primary task of the Institute is:
- collaborate in assessing the pastoral needs of the seven episcopal districts and 182 parishes operating in the territory of the Archdiocese of Veszprém (according to the guidelines of the Pastoral Council);
• appoint experts to develop pastoral programs that align with the archdiocesan pastoral plan and to supervise these programs.
The Institute provides support for accompanying pastoral and synodal processes, managing conflicts, and developing and supporting church institutions or communities based on the archdiocesan, ordinary commission.
Additional service elements:
- mentoring and supporting beginner teachers of religious education, pastors, and parish assistants;
• assisting in the development and supervision of organizational and operational models for parishes with many branches;
• organizing further training, workshops, lectures, and conferences according to specialized pastoral care;
• organizing further training, workshops, lectures, and conferences for pastors, teachers of religious education, and those working in family and youth pastoral care.
The operation of the Institute:
- The Institute operates as an independent organizational unit of the College, which not only plans and develops various services and supervision processes but also implements them – if necessary, involving additional external experts.