About the Mental Health Centre

The Place and Role of the Mental Health Centre at the College

The organizationally independent unit develops and organizes individual and group mental health sessions, trainings, and provides counseling. The Centre operates as an independent organizational unit of the College, and not only plans and develops the various services and supervision processes, but also implements them – if necessary, with the involvement of external experts.

The Centre’s staff: qualified psychologists, coaches, and therapists.

Main areas of activity, services:
• individual and group mental health sessions, trainings;
• psychological counselling;
• supervision.

The main areas of activity of the Centre are conventional psychological and mental health services: psychological listening, counselling, accompaniment, therapy, supervision. These may be supplemented by normative crisis intervention and personality and self-awareness development.

Target group:
• adults (teachers, social sector workers);
• young people: (secondary school students before career choice, those struggling with career entry difficulties);
• individuals, couples, families in mental crisis, life crisis.

The services are provided through the state funding framework of the public service financing contract No. FEIF/644/2022-ITM_SZERZ between the Hungarian State and the maintainer of the Archiepiscopal College of Veszprém, the Archdiocese of Veszprém. The services – according to the referenced contract – are initially available free of charge for the educational and social institutions of the Archdiocese of Veszprém, and in a second phase for the educational institutions of the Veszprém County school districts.

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