Incoming Students

1. If you wish to study at the Archiepiscopal College of Veszprém as an Erasmus student, please first contact your institutional Erasmus coordinator for information on how to apply.

2. After the application procedure at your home institution, your official nomination will be sent to us until June 1st if you apply for the autumn semester, or until November 1st if you want to study at our College in the spring semester.

3. After receiving your nomination, we will contact you and send you all the necessary information regarding your application.

4. You can download the application form here.

5. Then please contact us by e-mail (Dr. Ágnes Mészáros, and send us the completed application form and the Learning Agreement. In the case of autumn semesters, the deadline is June 15, for spring semester mobility until November 15.

6. Once we receive the application form and the Learning Agreement, we will send you the Letter of Acceptance.

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